Resource: Dalail al-Khayrat


Dalail al-Khayrat (Arabic: دلائل الخیرات) is a celebrated manual of salutations upon the Prophet ﷺ, authored by the Moroccan saint Muhammad ibn Sulayman al-Jazuli in the 15th century. The complete title of this works is Dalail ul-Khairat wa Shawariq ul-Anwar fi Dhikri s-Salat ala an-Nabiyyi l-Mukhtar (English: the Waymarks of Benefits and the Shining of Lights in the Remembrance of Blessings upon the Chosen Prophet). In daily use, it is referred to as Dalail al-Khayrat, or simply Dalail or Dalil. The great imam gathered the Salawat that appear in the book from the Sunnah as well as direct inspiration to his heart. He wrote it for all people, regardless of their rank and spiritual path.

It is by far the most popular and universally-acclaimed collection of prayers upon the Prophet ﷺ and has been observed as a litany throughout the Muslim world for over five hundred years. Millions of Muslims in the East and the West throughout the generations have eagerly recited it either in solitude in their homes or communally in mosques and Sufi lodges. For over 300 years in the Haramain of Makkah and Madinah, Dalail al-Khayrat was recited in daily gatherings after the Asr prayer.  It is one of those rare books that has become so popular that the number of printed copies remains unknown.

The people of spiritual insight have recognised that it is an exclusive and exalted book, overflowing with the secrets of refinement and spirituality.



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